Ignoring Heart Disease Won’t Lower Your Risk

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A juicy hamburger with two others burgers and a glass of soda in the background.

While we all know that eating certain foods can take a toll on our bodies, specifically our hearts, it’s often easier said than done when we’re told we need to watch what we eat. We might go for that second scoop of ice cream or head to our favorite fast food joint a couple times a week; however, how often do we really consider how these types of foods will impact our health?

Furthermore, while the food we eat will certainly affect how we feel (both physically and mentally), how active our lifestyles are also plays a big role in preventing certain illnesses, such as heart disease, which happens to be the #1 cause of death in the United States, and simply ignoring it won’t lower your risk.

Let’s take a closer look at this infographic, which gives us some interesting statistics on heart disease, as well as the many factors that contribute to it:

An infographic explaining the prevalence of heart disease in the US.
Heart Disease is the #1 cause of death in America. Heart Disease medication is more expensive in the U.S than in Canada and other countries.

Heart Disease is the #1 cause of death in America. Heart Disease medication is more expensive in the U.S than in Canada and other countries.

Regardless of how old you may be, everyone can benefit from a health diet and adequate exercise. By eating the right foods that are low in saturated fats, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars and sweeteners, we can significantly reduce our risk of heart disease and stroke. Choose a variety of fresh foods, whole grains, fish, nuts, legumes and seeds.

In combination with a healthy diet, 150 minutes of exercise each week should also be something to aim for as well. Being fit doesn’t need to be a chore either– do something that you enjoy participating in, whether it’s biking, running, swimming or even bowling! The more you move – the better!

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