7 Delicious Juicing Recipes for Kids

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A young child enjoying fresh juice in the sunshine with the title "7 Delicious Juicing Recipes for Kids."

Kids are constantly growing at a fast rate. From their bodies to their brains, their developmental cycle is always in a delicate state of overdrive.

Their clothes barely fit from one week to the next and they’re always showing us how much knowledge they’ve gained in such a short period of time on earth.

Making sure that they get the nutrients needed for proper development must fuel these spurts and phases of growth.

Top 5 Nutrients Kids Need Daily to Be Healthy:

  • Calcium for healthy bones and teeth.
  • Protein to stimulate growth and development within cells.
  • Iron for brain and muscle function and transporting oxygen to blood cells.
  • Fiber for a healthy digestive system.
  • Antioxidants for defense against viral attacks and harmful substances.

Ensuring that children are getting enough of these nutrients daily can be challenging at times, because kids can be downright picky when it comes to meal options.

A glass of carrot-orange juice surrounded by lemons, a carrot, and an orange.

They love fruit and detest vegetables. They will only eat things that are orange. They despise things with leaves. And today’s favorite dinner choice can easily become tomorrow’s lunchtime enemy. It’s no secret that meal prep for kids can become a daunting task.

If you add the fact that child obesity numbers are rising higher each year in the U.S. due to the consumption of fast foods, processed foods and junk foods, you will find an even greater need for delivering these nutrients. It is pertinent that we find ways to implement clean eating practices into the diets of children by any means necessary.

And although these challenges can seem overwhelming at times, it is nothing that a bit of creativity can’t handle. I have personally found that one of the easiest ways to make sure my little ones are getting their daily dose of vitamins and minerals is to deliver a tasty array of fresh pressed juices (in their favorite colorful character cup of course).

A baby smiling with a small spoon in his mouth.

Juicing is a great way to get your kids what they need for development easily, because you can cram a large dose of those essentials into a small serving. It’s quick, effective and let’s face, most kids love juice!

Here are 7 delicious recipes for juicing that are packed full of the nutrients needed to promote impeccable health for tiny bodies.

Each recipe yields about an 8 oz serving. Simply process the ingredients through a juicer and drink it fresh to obtain the greatest amount of nutrients possible.

The Hydrator

Glasses of watermelon smoothie.

Watermelons and cucumbers are made up of more than 90% water, so this juice is perfect for preventing dehydration on hot summer days and after strenuous playtime or sports activities. They also contain fiber, antioxidants and a high amount of other vitamins and minerals.


  • ¼ Watermelon
  • 1 Cucumber

Super Sunshine

A glass of carrot juice next to some carrots.

Carrots are filled with beta-carotene and are known for their part in promoting good eye health. Strawberries contain a large dose of fiber, antioxidants and potassium, which is great for developing strong bones.

Partner that with the vitamin C from the oranges and the iron found in lemons and you’ve got a superhero of a juice for children’s health.


  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 Orange
  • 4 Strawberries
  • ½ Lemon

The Funny Bunny

A glass of carrot apple juice next to an apple and carrot.

With common ingredients for a clean eating kitchen, this juice makes for an easy, nutritious and delicious treat. Apples provide a great source of calcium, fiber and antioxidants for kids.

They also have just enough natural sugar to give this juice a touch of sweet, and guilt free, pleasure.


  • 2 Carrots
  • 2 Red Apples


A glass of carrot beet juice next to a beetroot and carrots.

Beets not only add a cool color to this elementary lesson based juice but it delivers a hefty package filled with fiber, antioxidants, protein and iron.

Adding carrots for calcium and apples for additional vitamins delivers a combination of every basic nutrient needed to promote healthy development in the bodies of kids.


  • 1 Apple
  • ½ Beetroot
  • 3 Carrots

Tropical Lemonade

A glass of pineapple smoothie next to a pineapple.

This taste of paradise is perfect for lunch in the park, sunny days by the pool, play dates in the backyard or any fun-filled activity.

With pineapples lending an additional hand in the flavor department while providing calcium and antioxidants, this juice can hardly be considered a trick for kids and will be praised as a yummy treat.


  • 2 Pineapple Spears
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1 Apple
  • ½ Lemon

Green Apple Goodness

A glass of kale juice next to some kale.

Green leafy vegetables, especially kale, are crucial for good health. Kale is great for promoting cardiovascular health and is high in fiber, antioxidants, calcium and many other vitamins.

Kids might not like the raw, steamed or sautéed version of this superfood, but they’ll love it when it’s joined with the tasty nutritional goodness of apples, pineapples and lemons.


  • 1 Handful of Kale
  • 2 Granny Smith Apples
  • 1 Pineapple Spear
  • ¼ Lemon

Orange Juice Supreme

A glass of orange juice next to some oranges.

This combo is a great alternative to the traditional fresh squeezed OJ. It’s loaded with fiber, potassium and vitamin C and is great for alkalizing the body. This powerhouse juice goes far beyond being a simple pancake companion.


  • 2 Oranges
  • 2 Tangerines

Incorporating juices into your healthy lifestyle is an awesome way to make sure everyone is getting what they need to embrace the vitality of life. My kids love starting their day off with a cup of Green Apple Goodness (lovingly named by my six year old) and the Tropical Lemonade is always great for an afternoon snack.

As soon as they hear the mellow hum of the juicer, they literally come running and stand beside me with their cups.

And occasionally, I’ll make a few more ounces so that we can pour it into molds, pop it in the freezer and enjoy popsicles later on. This juicing thing for kids is a win-win situation!

There’s nothing that brings more joy to the soul than seeing healthy and happy kids.

Have you incorporated fresh pressed juices into your kid-friendly holistic health routine? When do your kids prefer juices? What other recipes or combinations do they like? Comment below and share with us.

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0 thoughts on “7 Delicious Juicing Recipes for Kids”

  1. It is often much easier to get a child to enjoy a nice, fresh glass of juice than it is to get them to eat peas or salad. As many well-seasoned juicing fanatics know, juice can be sweet and delicious and still contain lots of vegetables.


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