Tart Cherry Juice Benefits and Recipes

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At a Glance

  • Tart cherry is a sweet and sour berry with a unique taste
  • Tart cherry juice contains some impressive nutrients which are extremely beneficial to health.
  • Tart cherries may improve muscle recovery, help relieve arthritis and gout, improve heart health and could even help you sleep better.

Tart cherries are grown throughout the world, but are particularly plentiful in the continents of Asia, Europe and America.

The Romans are thought to be responsible for the distribution of cherries in Europe. Discovering the fruit around the Black Sea, they transported them around their empire.

Around 100 tart cherries equate to one glass of tart cherry juice.

Michigan State leads the way for tart cherry production with almost 75% of the entire fruit yield in America. (source)

What Are Tart Cherries?

Scientifically known as Prunas Cerasus, tart cherries are slightly smaller and also much brighter in color than their sweet cherry cousin.

There are many varieties of tart cherry but the most common types grown in the US are Balaton and Montmorency. (source)

Tart cherries are very juicy, which is why many people use them for baking. Desserts such as cherry pie or jellies contain tart cherries. It’s the sweet cherry variety that we tend to eat fresh.

Tart cherries are not only very tasty, but also full of nutrition. They are a good source of fiber and low in sodium. A single cup serving provides only 51 calories. They are also lower in sugar than the sweet cherry.

Tart cherries contain multiple vitamins such as K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and generous amount of vitamin A and C.

You’ll get a good supply of minerals from the tart cherry too, with an abundance of copper, manganese and potassium, along with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. (source)

Tart cherries are rich in plant compounds which provide a wide variety of benefits to health: (source)

  • Quercetin
  • Anthocyanins
  • Melatonin
  • Gallic acid
  • Carotenoids

Anthocyanins are responsible for the vivid crimson color of tart cherries and they also display anti-inflammatory properties.

Tart cherries are one of richest sources of antioxidants and that’s why many regard them as a “superfood”

Tart Cherry Juice Benefits for Health

Tart Cherries Improve Sleep Quality

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine estimates that millions of people struggle to sleep at night, with as many as 35% of the population experiencing brief symptoms of insomnia. (source)

Lack of sleep can play havoc with your health, causing fatigue, lack of concentration and even a heightened risk of depression.

Tart cherries are a rich source of plant melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone in the body which keeps the body’s “sleep-wake” cycle functioning correctly and makes you tired at night.

Studies have shown that tart cherry juice is effective at improving sleep. In only short period of time, tart cherry juice increased melatonin levels and enhanced sleep duration and quality. (source)

Tart Cherries Could Improve Heart Health

Tart cherries contain potent antioxidants. There is growing evidence they could help improve heart health.

Anthocyanins could prevent high cholesterol, reducing the dangers of heart attacks.

Studies have indicated that tart cherry juice could also decrease blood pressure in those with hypertension. (source) Tart cherries could also reduce the risk of stroke.

Antioxidants activate receptors in the body which help to reduce factors which contribute cardiovascular diseases. (source)

Tart Cherries Improves Muscle Recovery

In recent years, tart cherry juice is becoming very popular within the fitness community – and for good reason.

One of the most outstanding benefits of consuming tart cherries their use with physical activity. This is because tart cherries could improve muscle recovery.

A group of runners who were given tart cherry juice before a long distance event experienced significantly lower levels of muscle pain than those who took a placebo.

Experts suggest that consuming tart cherry juice seven days prior to any form of long distance activity will reduce post-run muscle soreness (source)

This is due to the high levels of antioxidants in tart cherries decreasing inflammation due to sport induced muscle damage.

Tart Cherry Juice Can Relieve Arthritis Symptoms

According to the Arthritis Foundation tart cherries are top of their six best fruits to eat for the condition. (source)

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition where the cartilage wears down around the joints in the body. This causes swelling, stiffness and pain the area.

Volunteers suffering with osteoarthritis drank tart cherry juice for 21 days. Pain levels were assessed which allowed experts to identify a clear reduction. (source)

The phytonutrient anthocyanin fights off inflammation, reducing the pain caused by arthritis.

Tart Cherry Juice Can Relieve Gout Symptoms

Gout is another form of arthritis but this is caused by an imbalance of uric acid in the body.

When uric acid builds up, it causes tiny particles to deposit at the joints.

The first symptoms of gout are stiffness, swelling and extreme pain in the joints of the big toe.

Studies show that taking tart cherry for only two days reduced the risk of gout by 35%.

Although research is limited, evidence suggests that the vitamin C in tart cherry reduces the levels of uric acid in the blood, therefore lowering the chances of gout. (source)

Precautions for Use

Tart cherries are considered safe for most people to eat or juice, however in this case you can have too much of a good thing.

Consuming too many tart cherries could cause a laxative effect, leading to digestive discomfort, stomach cramps or diarrhea.

With tart cherries, moderation is key.

Tart Cherry Juice Recipes

I would like to share five great tart cherry juicing recipes that combine all the fruit’s beneficial nutrients and taste amazing too.

#1 Luscious Cherry Berry Juice

The luscious cherry berry juice will certainly leave you wanting more. The ingredients work really well together, leaving you feeling fresh as a daisy. If you feel your body needs to regulate its internal clock – get drinking.

  • 1 Cup tart cherry
  • 1 Tablespoon of cherry juice power (add one cup of water to dilute)
  • 1 Cup blueberries
  • 1 Cup strawberries
  • 6 Ice cubes (optional)
  1. Add all the ingredients into the juicer.
  2. Mix in the cherry juice powder
  3. Add your ice
  4. Serve immediately

#2 Jump Start Juice

If you haven’t got much time to spare, you may want to give this one a go. It only takes two minutes to make and it will make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

  • ¼ Cup tart cherries
  • ¼ Cup lemon or lime (whichever you prefer)
  • 1 Cup filtered water
  • 3 Ice cubes (optional)
  1. Place the tart cherries into a juicer
  2. Add the filtered water.
  3. Add the ice and serve immediately.

#3 Chocolaty Cherry Recovery Juice

Do you need to recover from a long work out at the gym? The chocolaty cherry recovery juice could be the one for you. The tart cherry will help sooth your sore muscles in a faster time scale.

  1. Mix all of the ingredients by hand or in a blender
  2. Your drink is now ready to be served.

#4 Morning Glory Juice

Are you sick of feeling drained? This juice is extra scrumptious and is packed with essential vitamins making you feel fit and energized. If you need a little pick me up, this juice could be the one.

  1. Empty the milk, peaches, cherries, honey and vanilla into the juicer
  2. Serve instantly, for that extra yumminess.

#5 Replenish Cherry Juice

This juice is jam packed with goodness, and only takes 10 minutes to make, leaving your taste buds tempted for more. So, what you are waiting for, ready steady make.

  • 2 Cups of Montmorency cherries
  • 2 Medium/large bananas
  • 1 Cup coconut water
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 Sweetener (optional)
  1. Place all the ingredients into a juicer.
  2. Add ice (optional) then serve immediately.

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